High Quality Early Learning & Child Care

We offer programs for children ranging from 6 weeks to 12 years of age.

Infant Program

Our Infant program focuses on meeting each child’s individual needs in a loving and trusting environment. Our teachers understand that each child is unique, which is why we take the time to get to know your infant before they even start. We encourage parents to visit with their child so that we can form a trusting bond with both mom and infant.

We provide a play-based curriculum for our infants which will meet their individual developmental needs. All of our activities are planned with individual learning goals defined for each child.  While interacting with the infants, our teachers are constantly making observations of their skills and development. We incorporate social and emotional activities and experiences to help our infants develop a sense of self, form bonds with their teachers, mirror expressions of others, and take interest in being around their peers

We do not attempt to adapt any child to a preset routine or schedule, each one of our infants is on their own eating, napping, and active schedule.

Toddler Program

Our young Toddler program is designed to meet the developmental needs of younger toddlers.  We support them as they transition through stages of their development that include increased gross motor skills, fine motor skills and the beginnings of a more regulated and consistent schedule.  As they are able explore the ever changing world around them, we focus on their innate sense of curiosity and on appropriate social, cognitive, physical and language skills. They also very much enjoy hands-on and music & movement activities!

Our older Toddler program is designed to engage the older toddlers’ natural curiosity to make things happen! Throughout our stimulating and engaging play-based curriculum, the children learn about their surrounding; neighborhoods, communities and what they feel and see each day. They learn about the different seasons and the outside world of living things! The curriculum also promotes both gross motor or large muscle, and fine motor or small muscle development, social skills, and creative expression through the art, and music.  Our teachers work diligently to support the children and the development of cognitive skills such as problem solving and cause and effect through hands-on experiences.

Preschool Program

Our Preschool program provides a variety of learning experiences! Throughout your preschooler’s day, we provide two nutritious snacks in the morning and afternoon.  Our teachers sit down at the table with our students for snacks and lunch, encouraging self-serving, good table manners, and polite table conversation.

Our preschoolers engage in at least two group circle times each day. During these times, children: greet each other, sing fun songs, listen to stories, share their experiences and play games. Teachers will also set the children’s expectations for the day and discuss the theme-related experiences that are available to them in the classroom.

Our classroom environment encourages young preschoolers to be independent, allowing them to make choices regarding the learning areas in which they would like to explore and play. Our preschool classroom encourages centers including; dramatic play, blocks and building, manipulative and math, science, art and free expression, a library corner (a soft and comforting area where children can go have alone time if they wish), literacy and music and movement.

Pre-Kindergarten Program

Our Pre-Kindergarten program promotes age-appropriate learning experiences. These are some of the topics that are infused in our curriculum that the children are exposed to on a daily basis: Science, Math. Art, Language, Social skills including problem solving and peer to peer communication.

Some of the skills that the children develop in our program include: participating in teacher led activities, group activities, managing transition, following classroom rules and schedules, counting, sorting and patterning, music and movement and the identification of letters and words by creating an classroom rich in environmental print.

Developing literacy skills is one of the primary goals of our program. Our teachers infuse print and literacy experiences into each activity throughout the day. Our Library/Literacy area provides children with the opportunity to play games with letters, sounds and use sensory materials such as play dough, sand or shaving cream to practice writing letters. There is always access to paper and different writing utensils so they can work on developing a pencil grasp and other fine motor coordination needed to be successful writers!

We believe children learn best through play-based experiences, so in order to teach those skills we incorporate activities such as funny stories with reoccurring letter sounds, rhymes and play games that include letter identification. When the children are having fun and are interested in the activity they are using multiple senses, so they will learn and retain more information.

Outside Time

Children play outside twice a day (weather permitting). Our playgrounds include climbers, sports and other equipment that promote physical and social development!



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